The Kentucky Comeback program has helped hundreds of Kentuckians find employment. Read their compelling stories below.
Fair Chance Employee Testimonials
“The biggest thing I love about second chance employment is that just because we have a past or a record it doesn’t mean we are unemployable! It offers us confidence and allows us to prove that we are worthy of a job! I believe it creates opportunities for the employer and employee by giving people chances other individuals may not have. I think its purpose is to show the employee what he/she is capable of and to help them on their path to finding a new career they enjoy!”

Jeremy B.
“Through second chance employment, I was given an opportunity and purpose that I am grateful for. I have been employed for four years at Reliance Works. Today, I manage several crews of men and have learned a lot. I have a life that I am proud of because of the opportunity that I received four years ago.”

Ryan B.
“Second chance employment has helped change my life in a positive way by kick-starting my productivity in society. I learned how to be useful again through opportunities that were given to me. With more freedom comes more responsibility so when someone hires a returning person, they are not only making an investment in that individual, they are making an investment in the community.”

Alaina C.
“New beginnings with preconceptions aren’t easy for anyone, but careful consideration and validation by second chance employers help transform numerous lives each day. Second chance employment has carried me to where I am today. My family and I are grateful for the understanding opportunities that have been placed in my path.”

Arielle B.
“Every day when we wake up, we get a second chance to make the world better than it was yesterday. My employer who gave me the opportunity to prove I deserved that second chance showed me the world is still worth fighting for.”

Robbie C.
“Second chance employment has helped build back my self-worth and has empowered me to know that life is not over. It has taught me that my hard work and dedication are what define me, not my past.”