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About Find Help Now KY
FindHelpNowKY.org was created by the Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center (KIPRC), as bona fide agent for the Kentucky Department for Public Health in partnership with the Kentucky Office of Drug Control Policy, the Kentucky Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities, and the KY HELP line. KIPRC combines academic research with practical public health initiatives to decrease the burden of injuries, including drug overdoses, in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
The goal of this website is to provide near real-time availability of treatment openings for substance use disorder (SUD) at facilities across Kentucky. This user-friendly and easy-to-understand online referral-based intervention can improve clinical workflow and increase timely access to SUD treatment and information.
This goal is achieved by providing SUD treatment facilities with an administrative dashboard, allowing them to create and manage a profile page for each of their locations and designated personnel responsible for providing regular updates. Each facility has an associated “Facility Profile” where facility administrators add details such as accepted payment methods, populations served, facility policies, outpatient or residential treatment slots and availability, and over 50 other fields. To ensure the completeness and accuracy of information, facilities must request publication on the website and have their profiles reviewed by website administrators before being listed in the live search results. Additionally, after a set period of time with no updates, facilities are automatically removed from search results and notified that they need to submit a new update and request publication before they will reappear on the website. This will ensure that data presented on the site is accurate and up-to-date.